
What’s included

Bring some of Bootstrap’s primary components to life with custom jQuery plugins. We encourage you to extend and modify them to fit your specific development needs.

What’s included

Bring some of Bootstrap’s primary components to life with custom jQuery plugins. We encourage you to extend and modify them to fit your specific development needs.

bootstrap-transition.jsThe transition plugin is required for adding animation to other bootstrap plugins. Include this plugin (only once) when sliding in modals or fading out alerts.
bootstrap-modal.jsOur Modal plugin is a super slim take on the traditional modal js plugin! We took special care to include only the bare functionality that we require here at twitter.
bootstrap-dropdown.jsThis plugin is for adding generic dropdown interactions to things like navigation top bars and tabs.
bootstrap-scrollspy.jsThe ScrollSpy plugin is for automatically updating nav targets based on scroll position.
bootstrap-tab.jsThis plugin adds quick, dynamic tab and pill functionality for transitioning through local content.
bootstrap-twipsy.jsInspired by the excellent jQuery.tipsy plugin written by Jason Frame; twipsy is an updated version, which doesn’t rely on images, uses css3 for animations, data-attributes for local title storage, and now jquery 1.7′s new event api!
bootstrap-popover.jsThe popover plugin provides a simple interface for adding popovers to your application. It extends the bootstrap-twipsy.js plugin, so be sure to grab that file as well when including popovers in your project!
bootstrap-alert.jsThe alert plugin is a tiny class for adding close functionality to alerts.
bootstrap-button.jsThis plugin offers additional functionality for managing button state in single buttons and button sets.
bootstrap-collapse.jsThe collapse plugin offers simple, generic collapsible element support for making accordions and other collapsible ui components.
bootstrap-carousel.jsA plugin for rotating through elements. A merry-go-round.


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